Student athletes face pressure to keep grades up

Ramses Rodriguez, Writer


There might be some pressure to keep your grades up when you are a student athlete but you can always find some motivations or advice to help.


Eighth grade volleyball player, Maelynn Rodriguez, at Corbett Junior High said. “I think sports really help motivate me to keep my grades up because I know I really like playing volleyball I wouldn’t want to get taken off for failing.”


 After practice or games a student athlete might not have a lot of time to get their homework or something done but they always try to fit in some time to get it done.


If you really want to play you’ll try to get the work done.                                                                                              


Rodriguez said  “Time management is important if you want to do all your work. For example you could try to get some homework during class or right after practice.Basically anytime you have some free time, squeeze that work in there.”      


Coaches also understand the struggles a kid might have but they try to help them out because they want a kid on their team that can be responsible and get stuff done.Coaches wouldn’t want an athlete that doesn’t get their work done and is irresponsible.


Corbett Junior High football and basketball coach, Coach Henry, said he would rather have a athlete that gets their work done because he feels like he can trust them more.


Some coaches give you chances to pick up your grade, but it all depends if you are able to be trusted to pick up the grade.