Drama Affects Friends, Grades, Attitude

TaNasia Gulatt, writer

Drama seems to always start in school due to rumors being spread around or a “he said, she said” situation. Drama normally starts in junior high because there’s way more people and not everyone will like you, so people might say things about you. Remember it ONLY TAKES ONE PERSON FOR IT TO START……


Young adults involved in drama can cause stress,fights,and many different things which is why it’s not good to be in that situation.Students who are around the drama see it as entertainment because they like to see fights.The amount of attention the situation gets, the more everyone leads it on or the more it spreads in the school.


“Drama isn’t good because it can cause things such as fighting and bullying,” said Faith Turner.  


“Rumors start fast in my school because people like to say a lot of stuff to many people,” said Faith Turner, Corbett student.


Students may not feel comfortable coming to school knowing that if they’re in drama something will happen when they arrive at school. This can affect students by becoming depressed or failing classes because they might be so focused on what might happen when they go to school or what someone might say to them or even do to them,which is why school should be a safe place for some students.


Angelina Balanco said, “Drama can affect you and your sport because once the admin hear they would take it to your coach.”


There are many ways to solve drama. You can ignore it and don’t let it get to you or you can talk to a counselor about it. Here are some tips that might help you out if you are involved in any drama at school. Don’t let it get to you. Try to ignore that person and if the situation does get out of hand, then tell and adult.


“If someone tells you something, you don’t tell others because it will make the situation bigger,” said Balanco.