College Football Player Paves a Way

Toni Harris wants to be the first female NFL player. She became the first woman to sign a letter of intent at a skill position in college football history.

“I think they accepted her, but not many will support her,” said eighth grader Madison Jones.

Harris was the first female to ever receive a scholarship at a skilled position in football. She played as a safety in her hometown of Detroit.

“There isn’t a path, but I want to make sure I’m paving a way for myself to get there,” said Harris in an interview on SI Now Live. 

The 22-year-old is very open about wanting more women to be in the NFL. She wants to encourage young women and little girls to follow their dreams.

“It does not say Men’s National Football League. It just says National Football League,” said Harris on SI Now Live. 

Although she has many supporters, she still gets told she should not play football in the NFL. 

“People tell me, “It’s cool you play football…but you’ll never make it and you shouldn’t be doing it,” she explained in the interview.

In a Super Bowl commercial for Toyota, Harris compared her football dreams to the new and upcoming Toyota being released. 

“If I can’t get there, I want to make sure the next little girl can get there,” said Harris in Glamour Magazine.