Homemade Butter for the Holidays


“I love every Christmas when Coach Schwarz and his family make their butter,” Corbett teacher Brandy Bagnall said. “It’s great.”

Every year, seventh grade history teacher Michael Schwarz and his family have a tradition of making homemade butter and giving it away to all the teachers on the school campus.

How is this gold made? “Fresh ingredients and time,” Schwarz said. “You cannot rush the process or you will have a bad tasting product.”

“Generations ago, our families came to Texas in wagons and by foot. They grew their own food, baked their own bread, and churned their own butter,” said Schwarz. “One of our great-great-grandmothers was known throughout Texas for her wonderful homemade Christmas butter.”

“I like the fact that it’s fresh, creamy, and it doesn’t contain any chemicals,” Bagnall said. 

For the past 38 years, the Schwarz family carried on the tradition of their mother and her mother and so on. 

“I play the role of quality control (taste testing) and delivery of the product,” Schwarz said. “Our main competitor would be other grandmothers who make butter the old fashioned way.” 

It is the Schwarz family’s Christmas tradition to work together and make this special treat. Once they’re done, they pass it out to many teachers and staff across the school campus.